Sunday, July 7, 2024
President Biden, Ukraine, Promediabank, Volodymyr Zelensky
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With Putin plans to Invade Belarus are revealed, President Biden makes Surprise Trip to Ukraine

As the world watches with a careful eye on Ukraine and the southern Donbas region, many, especially Americans, question the timing of President Biden impromptu visit to Ukraine. The trip by the Commander-N-Chief came as an act of solidarity with Ukraine, which has been on the defensive since Russia invaded the country nearly 12 months ago, today. 

The popular support, at least in the United States is dwindling to a silent whisper as we have poured billions of dollars of support in aid and weapons. The question is, how much more can we afford as Americans at home are feeling the pinch in just about every way possible. The more obvious question that lingers; exactly what is our foreign policy when it comes to the Ukraine War?

For now, the question goes unanswered; however, the United States commitment to Ukraine is stronger than ever. President Biden arrived in Ukraine on Monday after a train ride from Poland. Alongside Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the two made several historic visits throughout the country before returning to Poland. What seemed like a road trip was actually categorized by some in the intelligence business as a high risk fact finding mission. 

Whatever the purpose of the trip, it was the first time in a century that a standing U.S. president has stepped foot in a war zone. As a matter of fact, the trip symbolized the first trip to Ukraine by a U.S. President in 14 years. Although extremely daring, the trip for President Biden was a stamp of democracy that sends a resounding message to the rest of the world; America Stands with Ukraine

The trip to Kyiv didn’t come as a well-welcomed walk thru for President Biden. As President Biden was on the ground in Kyiv, sirens sounded as the possible threat of air to surface missiles were on the minds of everyone on the detail of protecting America’s number one asset. Note* The Whitehouse informed Russia of President Biden’s presence and the sirens were more of a symbolic gesture, rather than a threat to the security of the President. 

President Biden’s visit comes a year after the start of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Some critics argue that the trip was a little too late as the Biden administration struggle to gain support for America’s support of the war. Yet still, Biden insists that a majority of Congress supports the United States support of Ukraine. President Biden announced while standing beside President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, that he will submit an additional aid package of $460 million dollars for equipment and missiles. 

The question that intrigues many; why does Putin want Ukraine?

With the Soviet Union’s demise in the 90’s, European nations saw the opportunity to join and expand NATO’s reach and escape communism. Countries such as Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania joined NATO along with Romania and Poland. The alliance placed neighboring countries of the Soviet Union in arms reach of what was once Russia’s control. 

President Biden’s visit comes ahead of a planned visit to Poland where he is meeting with Polish President Andrzej Duda and members of NATO and European leaders.

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Courtesy of DD India
Knick George
the authorKnick George
Director of Public Affairs - ProMediaBank
Knick George is a Entrepreneur, tech advisor and socialite who is changing the narrative in the realms of Music, Film and Technology. Knick is the co-owner of @Krazycarcare