Sunday, July 7, 2024
Donald Trump, Promediabank, Lamont Renzo Bracy
LifestylePolitical Corner

Political Landscape; Could Former President Donald Trump actually win in 2024?

Despite looming lawsuits and legal fallout for the former President and current Republican Presidential Candidate Donald J. Trump, he still has a fighters chance. As we all witnessed in his rally speech in Waco, Texas Saturday. The support and excitement for Trump still ranks high among Americans.

The rally speech in Waco, is an affirmation of what we already knew! Trump and his supporters are full speed ahead to push a narrative of a better America. Too be honest, so are a majority of America! Since Trump has left office, we have endured the Covid-19 pandemic, rising gas and food prices, and a conflict in Ukraine that just don’t make sense. The attacks on the American people intelligence is the main focus as Trump and his base are exposing simple truths.

Trump finds himself surrounded by allegations and criminal investigations of not only him, but his family as well. I would say Trump is handling them well as he continues to pound the campaign trail to express his values and desire for a better America. The recent bout of controversy comes as the District Attorney of Manhattan has the former President under investigation for a supposedly probe of hush money payments to adult film star ‘Stormy Daniels’.

But that is neither here, nor there. Really! Who really knows the truth on the matter? On another matter, Trump’s claim that he actually won the 2020 Presidential election is a bigger issue. Did he, or didn’t he? By the raw numbers, Trump lost in a landslide. But many argue, was the election rigged? At this juncture, sad to say, anything is possible.

Another important issue that has Republicans divided on former President Trump is his unequivocal persistence of a Southern border wall. During the 2020 election, Trump campaigned heavily on his promise to build a wall separating Mexico and the Southern United States. Trump and his administration started off well, but found out they might have bitten off more than they could chew.

With the release of the “Border Wall Status” by the US Customs and Border Protection office, about 450+ miles of the wall has been completed. Since Trump left office, the construction has come to a halt. Over 250 miles was in pre-production phase with 70+ miles with barriers. If re-elected, will Trump make his commitment a priority?

In addition, Trump is gaining tremendous support from every day Americans who disagree with how the economy is going presently. Trump stated, “We are a Nation that has the highest inflation in over 50 years.” You know what; Trump may just be right! Former President Trump’s figures are highly inflated; however, he has a valid point. Last year we witnessed the highest levels of inflation since 1981. With current interest levels rising every six months by 0.05%, it forces many to clutch their pocket books with anticipation. In a recent poll, over 45% of Americans feel that the economy is worse today than ever before.

Former President Trump is speaking on the issues that many have swept under the rug! To some, it may sound like old news or rhetoric that has no bearing on where we are currently. That is where you are wrong, my friend. Trump’s claim that the US withdrawal from Afghanistan began a downward spiral of our Military is shared by some of the top brass in our Military. According to Trump, we are making grave mistakes on the decisions and spending in Ukraine.

Speaking of Ukraine, the war which started in February of 2022, is approaching the year-and-a-half milestone. As the war continues, Ukraine find itself out matched and in desperate need of resources from NATO. Primarily, the United States has backed the biggest portion of the need with donating planes, weapons, and millions of dollars to Ukraine.

 With no end in sight, Vladimir Putin is vowed to fight this war out to the end. Donald Trump stated to a broadcast network that he could easily, “negotiate a deal within 24 hours, by saying “things” that would guarantee an immediate stop to the war”. And guess what, there are millions that believe, he could!

With a polarizing economy and political stance, could Former President Donald Trump regain the Presidency? We will find out shortly!

Lamont Renzo Bracy
the authorLamont Renzo Bracy
Lamont Curtis Bracy, professionally known as “Renzo” is an American author, record executive, entrepreneur, and media proprietor. Renzo is an award winning journalist and author known for creating some of the most intriguing reads on topics ranging from world views, humanitarian, socio economic, and entertainment. From contributing to the Huffington Post, Medium, and many local news organizations, Mr. Bracy has become known as an authority amongst his peers. Today, Renzo operates in an array of conglomerates as either an executive or strategic advisor for numerous fortune 500 companies. As of recently, Renzo was named as Chief Marketing and PR Director for Kandiid (Kandiid App).