Tuesday, July 2, 2024
Malcolm Garret, Promediabank,

Fashion Designer Malcolm Garret discusses his brand of Luxury Garments, Painted Footwear, & the Importance of Mental Health

Meet Malcolm Garret Clayton, affectionately known as Malcolm Garret from New Jersey is an entrepreneur, custom luxury clothing designer, and painted footwear artists that is revolutionizing the culture in the fashion industry. When everyone does one thing, Malcolm is a step above the rest, doing his own thing , which has made him a rare commodity.

Growing up, Malcolm had a lot of fun. Unlike many youngsters his age, Malcolm used his time by himself creating designs out of default, and it turned into a passion. Malcolm spent his summers with nothing but a canvas, and that’s where the passion began. Passion for what, you might ask? The passion for sports and the swagger sports figures carried in a bravado of thier self image. The one sports figure that really impacted Malcolm was Allen Iverson. Remember, this was in the prime of the great Michael Jordan; however, it was the swagger that Allen Iverson possessed that captivated Malcolm (corn-rolls, the jersey untucked, and the fly kicks). “He looked like us”, with braids and sneakers, states Malcolm. Malcolm began to draw characters wearing the gear with the same swag as Iverson. The pictures on canvas led to Malcolm cutting and alterating his school clothes to fit the scene, and of course, his mother objected.

Fast-forward; Malcolm began playing ball for his High School team, when he showed his best friend “Slap” saw a varsity jacket that he designed for the team. Slap suggested that he show the coach. Reluctant, Malcolm expressed teh idea to his parents who saw Malcolm’s talent as amazing. Malcolm’s parents supported his design and the ideaology that Malcolm was destined for greatness. Malcolm adamantely states and holds respect for his parents, “My parents supported me and never discouraged my vision, but encouraged me every step of the way to push forward”, states Malcolm Garret. Malcolm is ademant on both parents and guardians expressing support, because the power of the tongue from parents might be the catylyst between success and failure. Malcolm ultimately presented the jacket to the head coach, and he accepted the design with open arms.

With his first designed published and producted, Malcolm was moved to an advanced art class and the vision was born. As with every great beginning, Malcolm experienced sidetracks after graduation. After graduation, Malcolm like most without a scholarship entered the workforce. Malcolm secured a job in the mall close to his passion, in fashion retail. It was there in the mall where he would meet a lifetime friend who would change his life. The friend, Sammy aka Esso worked at a Nextel pop-up and during a lunch break, the two figured they had something in common and became friends. Esso was a DJ by trade and asked if Malcolm would like to be an assistant. Malcolm graciouslly accepted and became Esso’s crate carrier which opened him up to the world of music. Esso had his own studio and gave Malcolm the green light to record as long as the work he did would prove fruitful. Malcolm was off to the races, recording several mixtapes, performing shows, and lending produciton on various works.

Esso, contacted Malcolm one day when things were eratic in his life. The conversation was about partnering in opening a clothing boutique. Perfect timing! Malcolm obliged, and the partnership began and ran for a 11-year run until Malcolm realized that he was confident and needed to work his own angle. While still with Esso’s boutique, Malcolm experimented with his own brand entitle “American Genre”, which was a fantastic idea, but lacked resources. You will never hear Malcolm Garret complain about excuses! “As long as you have you, you have a business partner”, states Malcolm.

Reflecting, one night Malcolm was sitting back in a night club with high school friend Slap and Esso suggested that he should start custom painting snearkers. Malcolm shrugged off the idea, and one morning he experiemented after watching countless hours watching YouTube and went at it. Malcolm picked out a pair of Retro 6’s, the pink one’s and went all in. After Malcolm completed, he posted his work to Instagram and it went viral in December 2014. It was a hit! “I realized, I was way ahead of the curve with my designs”, states Malcolm. At that point on, Malcolm went bezerk customizing the latest sneakers with the dopest colow-ways possible. As today, Jordan Brand was King, and that still remains till this day. Malcolm has painted and customized just about every Jordan released (1-14 and 16). The sky was the limit; Malcolm has customized Vans, Yeezy’s, New Balance, and everything in between.

Malcolm Garret changed his perspective. Malcolm transitioned to the apparell industry through Alexander Nash, a boutique spot in New York. It was their working with Ernie, the owner of Alexander Nash and began doing photography for the brand. Malcolm’s experience as a lifestyle photographer led to the opportunity to market and expand his network. Malcolm linked up with another photographer to gain expertise, and he soon figured that he needed to purchase a camera. After a professional camera was purchased, Malcolm solicited the help of a female friend and began making people in the culture his subject. Now, Malcolm had the experience and expertise needed to approach Ernie with an opportunity that would not only propel Ernie’s business, but make a name for himself. At the time, Ernie not only had fly gear for sale, but he also sold custom tailored suits. Malcolm continued to perfect his craft in photography while nurturuing the relationship with Ernie, whom he had worked with at FootLocker in the days. Ernie’s other specialty was tailoring suits, and after a while, Ernie came to Malcolm and expressed his gratitiude, but told him he would have to let him go, due to not having the funds to pay. For most, the news would of sent them packing; however, Malcolm approached Ernie with a career changing proposition; “dont pay me just make my clothes whenever i need .. and ill do photography for you.” The idea was agreed upon and accepted. The proposition gave Malcolm the tools needed to bring his full vision to life and from there he was able to bring his design ideas to the table. The outcome was crazy; Malcolm ran across a flannell pattern shirt with the imprint of Patrick Ewing’s 33 on the back. After getting Ernie’s consent, Malcolm went to town with his idea of customizing the piece.

A star was born! From there, Malcolm received a Randy Moss jersey from his high school homie Wayne, and he called Ernie’s tailor Charlie, and gave his vision. Charlie went to town, cutting and sewing Malcolm’s vision while teaching and advising with the knowledge he gained in Africa, (Ivory Coast). From there Malcolm leveled up, and began producing customized jerseys to the likes of ‘Lawrence Taylor,’ From being inspired by flannel patterns, Malcolm ran with his vision and was one of the first to take a flannel pattern and turn it urban. Who would of thought, a courdoroy jersey? An avid jersey collector, Wayne’s girt of a Randy Moss jersey spurned an out of the box idea that signified Malcolm’s vision. Malcolm took his idea to Charlie and gave him the blueprint. The result was absolutely phenomenal. Charlie, a master tailor has been an instrumental partner in the Malcolm’s vision. Charlie, an African Imigrant from the Ivory Coast is a hidden gem in the fashion scene, but remains to work as a humble tailor in New York.

Malcolm designs are considered metaphoric, in that he goes about his craft in a way that digs into the phsychie realm of things. After the Randy Moss design was done, Malcolm designed it out and the reaction was bananas. Malcolm’s Derek Jeter courdouroy jersey went viral in the urban scene. The vision was officially born and his name began to grow legs. “Its all about problem solving”, states Malcolm. The colorways, pattern, and flannel is what sets Malcolm apart. The unique originality really resonates with fans and enthusiasts in a way that will give Malcolm longetivity in the fashion industry.

Malcolm remains humble in an industry where it is easy to get out of touch with reality. The prayers, hard work, and ingenuity will definitely payoff. The brand is solid, the workplan is on-point, and what Malcolm hopes is that we as a people will work and combine as “one”. Malcolm reminises about a trip to Puerto Rico where his work was recognized by many. From the moment he touched down he was constantly reminded of his reach and the love. The year was 2020, and the love has been genuine from all across the country.

Malcolm Garret and the Importance of Mental Health and proper Diet

Malcolm lends his experience with his battle, and the importance of mental health. Travel with me, the year was 2016 and Malcolm found himself in a situation where he had to find a place to stay in short order due to unforseen circustances. As fate would have it, while attending the “Agenda Show” in Las Vegas, Malcolm bumped into his friend Sammy and was offered the opportunity to move into his basement. Malcolm moved a homegirl and her friend in as roomates to share the cost of living. It was there where Malcolm made some important life changes. The pains from living unhealthy forced Malcolm to shed the bad habits of life.

Through meditation, Malcolm was inspired to go to the doctor for the sake of his ex-girlfriend. The results of the doctor visit was an diagnosis of diabetes. Malcolm took the news as a surprise and was an eye opener. Faced of taking pills or insulin shots for the rest of his life, Malcolm spoke to his friend Scud, and he reffered Malcolm to some great documentaries on living healthy and ridding diseases by watching his diet. Malcolm decided to go totally vegan. The education of eating healthy and living a diet free of process.

Of course, the test is faced when a challenge is presented. Malcolm found that he had resistance and stamina to void the ails of the world by his own recognence. Through proper diet and training his mind, Malcolm found that he not only beat diabetes, but cured the ailments of the mind. Mental health is a direct correlation of diet, and it all ties together. Enlightment leads to motion opposed to emotion. Living life is all about balancing the mental with the physical by the intake of knowledge . The Malcolm Garret brand is a lifestyle of originality that leads to longetivity. There is a fear of not having a choice, but every living person has a choice to live, and live happily~

Malcolm credits his awakening to his friend Maria Gattuso, who was intrumental to his enlightment. Maria is the daughter of the legendary actor Frank Vincent Gattuso Jr., who had a cameo in Nas video “Street Dreams”, and became a regular in the sitcom ‘The Spranos’ and the action flick ‘Casino’. It was Maria that helped assist Malcolm on his journey to wellness and served as a spiritual guide. God Is Good~

Today, Malcolm Garret is a well respect guru in the industry of custom fashion. Malcolm contributes his success to the upbringing instilled by his parents, and his relentless passion to succeed. Malcolm Garret is now a brand and desired entity by the top names in the industry.

Luxury Garments & Custom Painted Footwear


Lamont Renzo Bracy
the authorLamont Renzo Bracy
Lamont Curtis Bracy, professionally known as “Renzo” is an American author, record executive, entrepreneur, and media proprietor. Renzo is an award winning journalist and author known for creating some of the most intriguing reads on topics ranging from world views, humanitarian, socio economic, and entertainment. From contributing to the Huffington Post, Medium, and many local news organizations, Mr. Bracy has become known as an authority amongst his peers. Today, Renzo operates in an array of conglomerates as either an executive or strategic advisor for numerous fortune 500 companies. As of recently, Renzo was named as Chief Marketing and PR Director for Kandiid (Kandiid App).