Tuesday, July 2, 2024
Business CornerLifestyle

Get Discovered With These Tips For Creatives and Makers

Photo Credit: Javon Swaby via Pexels

Are you a creative individual looking to get your work discovered? Whether you’re an artist, designer, or crafter, it can be difficult to gain attention and find success in today’s world, when everyone has access to online tools. However, with the right plan and strategy in place, you can get your work out there and make an impact. Read on for our top tips on how to get discovered as a creative, presented by ProMediaBank.

Create A Solid Business Plan

Having a business plan is essential for anyone who wants to make a living doing what they love. This will help you stay organized, set goals, and track progress. The plan should include details such as what type of product/service you offer, pricing strategies, marketing plans, and more. Additionally, having a business plan will also help potential investors understand what it is that you do so they can decide if they want to invest in your work.

Create A Stunning Portfolio

A portfolio is one of the best ways to showcase your work and get it out there in front of potential customers or investors. You can create a stunning online version using free sites like Wix or Squarespace, which are easy-to-use platforms that allow you to upload photos of your creations with descriptions. You can also create physical portfolios by printing images onto cardstock paper and presenting them in an attractive folder or binder.

Try New Tools

As an artist, the world of 3D paint software can seem intimidating at first glance, but it’s worth exploring whether this is a good fit for you. By trying out different 3D software options, you open up new opportunities for artistic expression. Today’s cutting-edge technologies allow you to bring your art to life in ways you never thought possible. While the learning curve can be steep, I encourage every artist to give 3D paint software a try and see what incredible things you can create.

Give Yourself A Great Maker Space

Designating a room in your home that is solely used for creating will help keep all of your supplies organized while also inspiring new projects. Not only that, it will ensure that you’re able to have a distraction-free spot to work in. Additionally, tracking changes made to your home–such as new flooring–will ensure that if you decide to sell down the road, you’ll be able to quantify those updates and add them to the house’s value.

Take Classes to Learn More About Business

You are likely a master of your art, but how much do you know about the business side of your craft? Oftentimes artists struggle to succeed not because they don’t have talent or produce great content, but because they didn’t take the time to learn how to manage the business aspects. If that sounds like you, check this out. An online business degree will teach you how to effectively market, manage your finances, and even use data to adjust your practices. 

Seek Out A Mentor

Finding someone who has experience in the same field as you can be incredibly helpful when starting in a creative field. Having someone guide the way can help keep you motivated while also providing advice on overcoming any obstacles that may come up along the way. Take a look at a few creative networking sites and reach out to artists you admire, and don’t forget to support their work as well, since the creative community is a give-and-take.

Get Your Work Out There

To ensure that your work reaches its fullest potential, it’s essential to get noticed by as many people as possible. Use social media outlets such as Instagram and Twitter to showcase what you have crafted while tagging other creatives across the digital landscape. Also, be sure to attend any craft fairs, art shows, exhibitions, and conventions so you can reach as many people as possible.

Design A Great Business Card

Having business cards is essential when trying to promote yourself as a creative, since potential customers will have something to remember you buy. Designing business cards using free online templates allows anyone with limited design skills to create professional-looking cards quickly while still maintaining their own unique style. To create your business card, choose the template you like and customize it with your information and choice of colors, fonts, and images. This will allow you to show off your unique personality while helping potential clients find you in the future.

Make Your Way

Getting discovered as a creative can take time, but in today’s world of social media influencers and tech tools, you can simplify things quite a bit. Give yourself a great space to work in at home, and design an eye-catching business card that will help you spread the word about your designs. With the right moves, you can get your work discovered in no time and start reaping the rewards.

Are you looking for more great art and business related content? Then check out ProMediaBank!
