Thursday, July 4, 2024
Norman dawson, Promediabank,

Meet founder of Sneaks-Up, Norman Dawson; pioneer behind Sneaker Culture in San Antonio

It is estimated that sneakers will account for a $140 billion market by 2025. So, what’s the hype all about? The answer is simple; sneakers are in direct coalition with the culture. Meet Mr. Norman Dawson. For the past 25+ years, Norman has been an advocate for the sneaker culture, and has pioneered the movement to educate, elevate, and provide resources for sneakerheads in San Antonio. 

Mr. Norman Dawson’s story began in Converse, Texas nearly 50 years ago. Like many, he wasn’t raised wearing exclusive footwear or sneakers. Norman explains, “In those days, I was accustomed to wearing Payless tennis shoes.” However, while in high school in the early 90’s, Norman noticed a pivotal change in the culture. The hip-hop movement was alive and well with groups such as RUN DMC, Beastie Boys, LL Cool J, and numerous others not only making the grooves that were happening, but influencing the culture with their style and gear.  

The year was 1992, fresh out of high school, Norman Dawson was in full circle inspired by the culture and the movement heavily influenced by music. It was a great time to be alive! With the explosion of the internet, Norman found himself drawn to the sneaker culture and secured a job at a shoe store at a mall in San Antonio, Texas. Online platforms, such as Crooked Tongues out of England were huge at the time, as well as countless other sneaker communities. It was there while working in the mall where Norman was approached by other sneaker enthusiasts, and the idea of having a get-together was first discussed. The wheels were set in motion, and Norman and about 10 to 15 other avid sneaker collectors had their first meeting in a gym on the west side of San Antonio.

The meeting of collectors was monumental. For the first time, Norman found there were countless others in San Antonio that shared the love and passion for sneakers. The group built a camaraderie amongst the group that led into the formation of Sneaks-Up. As Norman and Sneaks-Up  grew, the group decided to put on the event annually. From the first year of nearly 300 attendee’s, the sneaker-hype expanded every year since 2007 by nearly 300. The objective was simple, providing an outlet for sharing resources and knowledge within the sneaker community. At the time, there was no other sneaker conference in motion; however, others such as SneakerCon,  H-Town Summit, were beginning to form as well. As word began to spread of Sneaks-Up, Norman realized that the venue Cowboy’s DanceHall wouldn’t be able to handle future growth.

Not a bad problem to have, right? With the recent momentum of Sneaks-Up, Norman seized the opportunity to explore other options and expand resources for the sneaker community of San Antonio. Norman secured partnerships with organizations such as Top Golf, and began doing sneaker events for corporations. Norman found that the city of San Antonio was the perfect destination for the uprising of the sneaker culture. San Antonio has a special unique feel of family and unity that is unsurpassed. The excitement and energy for the sneaker culture is bursting at the seams with sneakerheads posting positivity in and out of the community. 

With nearly 20+ years in the sneaker culture of San Antonio, Norman sees the impact of his work on the community. The sneaker culture is a huge business and Norman takes pride in feeding the community and watching the progress as trends come and go. Jokingly, Norman states, “who ever thought there would be a day when people are wearing comic boots.” Norman contributes trends in the sneaker community as a direct reflection of the culture and the influence of hip-hop. When asked; what his personal signature collection looks like, Norman Dawson quickly replies, “My Puma Collection.” Norman has been an avid lover of the brand since watching the classic movie, “Beat Street”, in 1984. The style, flair, and charisma of the brand resonates with the culture. Over the years, Norman has noticed a resurgence of the original design which is making a comeback heavily in part of the skateboard and hip-hop influence. 

It’s one thing to have a passion, but it’s another to apply it by action. Norman Dawson often shares his story of depression and feeling isolated. The action of Norman’s feelings led him to write a stage play that’s turned into reality. Norman Dawson presents: ‘All These Shoes; A Love Letter of Sneakers’. Norman wrote the play in a place of feeling vulnerable. By sharing his personal struggles of depression, self worthlessness, and rejection, Norman injected his love of sneakers to write a play which he’s had the pleasure of performing  locally in San Antonio and around Texas. A former student of theater, Norman found that bringing the elements of hip-hop and sneakers together drew a connection of both worlds. 

Today, Norman Dawson continues to demand the best from himself and those who walk in the path of uplifting the community. “It’s all about cultivating great relationships, which grow into resources and life long friends”, states Norman. In hindsight, Norman looks back to 93’, and is amazed by the growth of both hip-hop and the sneaker culture. It is with that growth and knowledge of the industry that Norman see’s opportunity. In the next year, Norman hopes to expand his reach with his stage play to bigger markets, ultimately taking the show to New York. In addition, Norman’s relationships and hard work has led to a partnership  with the San Antonio Spurs. In the Fall of 2023, the San Antonio Spurs will celebrate its 5th year of the Spurs Sneaker Jam Expo. The partnership with the San Antonio Spurs and Norman Dawson is a major win for the community and sneaker enthusiasts. Held on the court of the AT&T Center, players both past and present come out to participate in the sneaker extravaganza. From the famous Spurs Coyote, to the biggest names and celebrities, the event is a big draw for the sneaker culture. Raffles, give-aways and vendors from small to large show up for the annual event. 

Wow! As the time passes, Norman reflects on almost 25 years as a sneaker enthusiast and the tremendous strides he’s made to the culture. As Norman has watched the industry revolutionize and transform, he is reminded that at one time; the struggle was real. The sneaker culture is now a permanent fixture of society, and Norman Dawson plays an integral part in where it is today. Norman feels blessed and contributes his success to his many supporters, friends and family who made his journey possible. In addition, Norman sends a special shoutout to his brother’s, who he credits for saving his life.

“It’s good friends and great camaraderie that keeps the fire burning, Having such talented friends such as Customizer Jake Danklefs and fellow collector / creator JD Beltran has always encouraged me to do more and push the envelope of my potential, its’ been a real blessing.”

Norman Dawson

Norman has also had the privilege of working with many influential figures such as Sean “Paper Chaser” Williams, Question,  and countless others. Culturally, Norman feels we all have an obligation to respect and honor the footprints laid by those who came before us. It’s that winning spirit that has afforded Norman the opportunity to work with up and coming events, such as Davies Entertainment putting on live events that incorporates, performances, live art and skateboarding.

Noman Dawson, Promediabank,

Today, we salute Norman Dawson and his efforts, Keep Pushing the culture forward!


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Knick George
the authorKnick George
Director of Public Affairs - ProMediaBank
Knick George is a Entrepreneur, tech advisor and socialite who is changing the narrative in the realms of Music, Film and Technology. Knick is the co-owner of @Krazycarcare