Tuesday, July 2, 2024
midterm elections 2022, promediabank
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What’s at Stake? 2022 Midterm Elections will decide 118th United States Congress

With early voting started in the 2022 midterm elections, it seems apparent that early voter turnout will topple numbers from past years. If Georgia is any indication, we can almost call a race before the actual targeted midterm date of November 8. Registered voters in the State of Georgia came out in droves to cast early ballots, shattering 2018 totals by almost double. That was just on day one of early voting. 

But what is unclear, who might have the advantage from early indicators. It is estimated that 33 million ballots have been cast over 40 states in lieu of the 2022 midterm. With just four days until November 8, voters are aware of the stakes and want to make sure their vote counts in this election. With three ways to cast a ballot in most states; in person early voting, absentee and election day voting, many are choosing to beat the rat race by exercising their rights to vote now.  

The traditionally underrepresented voters, (African Americans and Hispanic) make up nearly 43% of early ballots. The disparity between people of color on election day ballots and those of early voting ballots is an astounding 50% increase, with early voting as the preferred mode. Nearly two-thirds of states offer early voting, with processes to make it more accessible to all. According to the ACLU, African American voters account for nearly 45% of early voters, compared to 30% of white voters.  By voting early, the chances of voter suppression on Election Day is decreased by nearly 75%, while avoiding voter suppression tactics, long lines and overcrowded polls. 

By the numbers, it is clear that 2022 will be a momentous year for voter turnout. Over 122 million people voted in the 2018 Presidential Midterm, a record number that had not been seen since 1978. The 2022 Midterm is slated to surpass those numbers, shattering the record breaking turnout of voters in the 2018 midterm elections. 

Benefits of Voting Early in 2022 Midterm Elections

#1 – Reduces STRESS on Election Poll Workers 

#2 – Early voting increases turnout and expands the Electorate 

#3 – Reduces anxiety on voters and clears focus to concentrate on issues prevalent to voter

#4 – Eliminates distractions and obstacles

#5 – Reduces wait times

ProMediaBank caught up with former Mount Vernon, New York Mayor Rich Thomas, “Early voting is an effective method to increase access to the ballot box,“ said former Mayor Rich Thomas. He added, “Communities experience all sorts of obstacles to stop them from realizing their potential and erecting barriers to vote is one of the main tools to oppress liberty. Enemies of progress understand that little things stop big things, which is why they make long, slow lines or change polling locations and do nothing to resolve equipment issues on Election Day. They know that most people cannot miss work or afford to go on a wild goose chase to find their hidden place to vote. Early voting counteracts many of these deceptive tactics by empowering disenfranchised groups to vote on their time with ease and convenience.”

Mayor Thomas concluded, “Early voting is a legacy opportunity for the Silent Majority to freely express their will to end traditional tricks used by a Small Minority to manipulate democracy.”

What’s at stake?

The 2022 midterm election will be one of the most contested elections in history. All 435 seats in the House and 35 seats in the Senate will be on the ballot. The results will determine which way the pendulum will swing going into the presidential race in 2024. 

One thing is certain; 2022 is on pace to shatter the record voter turnout of 2018. To date, nearly 33 million Americans have cast their ballots by mail or through early voting centers. While most states are seeing high voter turnout, some states such as Texas have seen a drop from the 2018 turnouts. One thing is certain, Republican voters seem energized and determined to tip the scales towards a republican ran congress. A lot is at stake folks!

Former presidents Donald Trump and Barack Obama are on the campaign trails to drum up voter excitement as the midterms approach. With many tightly contested seats up for grabs in battleground states, it is too early to project or speculate which way Americans will lean this cycle. The issues of just four short years ago have changed drastically, and many are not satisfied with the direction the country is headed.  Thirty-nine state gubernatorial elections, as well as state and local elections will be tight across the country. 

What Issues Will Decide the 2022 Midterm Elections?

#1 – Inflation

#2 – Abortion

#3 – Ukraine

#4 – Immigration

#5 – Climate Change

#6 – China

#7 – Student Debt

2022 Midterm Elections
2022 midterm elections
Former Mount Vernon Mayor Rich Thomas, ProMediaBank

If you haven’t cast your ballot by mail or provisional ballot, please show up and make your vote count on November, 8 2022.


Lamont Renzo Bracy
the authorLamont Renzo Bracy
Lamont Curtis Bracy, professionally known as “Renzo” is an American author, record executive, entrepreneur, and media proprietor. Renzo is an award winning journalist and author known for creating some of the most intriguing reads on topics ranging from world views, humanitarian, socio economic, and entertainment. From contributing to the Huffington Post, Medium, and many local news organizations, Mr. Bracy has become known as an authority amongst his peers. Today, Renzo operates in an array of conglomerates as either an executive or strategic advisor for numerous fortune 500 companies. As of recently, Renzo was named as Chief Marketing and PR Director for Kandiid (Kandiid App).